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Please be patient with the numbers. There are many kilometers to be counted! The point of the Hverdagsracet is to show how big a difference the good habit makes. Of course, the figure only covers the reported kilometers driven by the participants. 

Total number of km driven this year among all participants. But who drove the most?

It is an old adage that leaders should "lead the way". Regardless of the truth in this, we would like to highlight the managers who, despite busyness and high income, still prefer healthy and green transport. 

% of your km driven by managers. A good leader "leads the way", they say. Who is cycling in lead?

Everyone talks about the world our children should grow up in. This is measured, among other things, on CO2 emissions. The small habit of cycling every day instead of driving actually makes a big difference. Not on an individual level, but when there are many of us, it suddenly becomes important. And there are quite a few of us.

Kg of CO2 you saved by not driving a car. A bag of sausages requires approx. 1 kg of Co2

Everyday cycling makes a huge difference 

For you. For your children. And for everyone else. In Hverdagsracet, we collect and document our joint effort.

Participation could not be easier

All participants will receives an email every Friday asking about the week's cycling. Nothing else

The everyday race's calculations and data have been devised with the help of sparring partner The Footprint Firm (very recommendable to anyone looking for world-class sustainable minds)

It's a bit too funny that we measure the calories in burners. However, it is also a bit serious. For decades, we've been told that daily exercise is essential for our health, enjoyment of life, stress levels, etc. 

That's how many KCAL you have burned - this year alone. That's a lot of whipped cream cakes.

It is enormously expensive for the coffers to keep the Danes healthy. Healthy habits can thus be translated into quite large savings. It has been counted on by several rounds with different results. Read more under "Sources and Documentation"

The healthcare benefits of cycling, just for our participants this year. Imagine the potential!

It is possible that numbers do not lie, but they can be distorted! The number of participants who, on average, submit their journey to us per week is an indicator of the basis and validity of all the other figures. Therefore it must be included. 

The average number of active participants per week. 

(Number of registrations divided by current week no.)

The purpose of the everyday race

The everyday race's purpose is to promote the effects of cycling on a continuous basis, and by the aid of real people's actual impact

It is important, because fewer and fewer ride. All the while the problems that everyday cycling alleviates seem to pile up everywhere.

And you get the chance to beat Cykelven!

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